A special thanks to Dianna Mohler for hosting a great
Night of the Arts last night.
Boys’ Softball Team plays San Jose at San Jose tonight at 5:00 p.m. in the division tournament semifinals. Go Wildcats!
Bishop Kenny English, Math, and Science placements are mailed today.
Talent Show Tryouts are Tuesday, May 9
th in the gym. Please make sure you have returned a talent show participation form and signed up on Mrs. Chakhtoura’s door if you are planning to try out.
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP is a personal and parish spiritual renewal process,
visit the parish website here to learn more and sign up. The 2017 Spring dates are:
Women’s Weekend: May 20th and 21st
Men’s Weekend: June 3rd and 4th
A kindly reminder of the following
Due Dates for the 2017 – 2018 School Year Kindergarten – 8
th Grade:
May 5th – Annual Fee ($450/student less scrip credit)
June 15th – First payment for tuition and iPad lease (5th – 8th Grade)
Please be advised that we are in the process of posting these fees to your FACTS account, so you will see activity on your account. If you have any questions please email Kathy Gregson at
[email protected].
Volunteer Opportunities for the month of May: Lunchroom Duty and Carline Duty.
We wish all of our parents a very happy weekend and look forward to growing with you in faith and love by sharing the celebration of
Holy Mass. For your convenience,
Sunday’s readings are available here in advance.