First Quarter Report Cards are going home today. Note that Honor Roll and conduct marks are no longer indicated on diocesan report cards.
First Quarter Honor Roll will be presented at morning assembly Monday, October 24
8th Grade Athletes in basketball and cheerleading will also be honored at morning assembly Monday, October 24
“Vision is Priceless” screened our Pre-K through 8
th grade students on Wednesday, October 12
th. If your child DID NOT PASS their vision screening, then a referral letter was sent home to you today via Friday Folders. If you did not receive a referral letter, and your child was present that day, then you can safely assume that your child passed their vision screening. If you have any questions, please call me at the school or email me @:
[email protected]. Finally, a big thank you to Tracy Goodwin, Chiyome Mendis, Lynn Rosario, and Amber Samaan who volunteered their time and talent that day. It was very much appreciated!