Congratulations to the girls’ Cross Country runners; they placed 33
rd in the Girls’ Middle School State Championship meet this past weekend in Lakeland. These girls competed with the top schools from throughout Florida. Special thanks goes out to Marie, Elina, Caroline, Zoey, Abby, Emma, Hannah, and Merritt for their efforts this year in getting the girls to the highest level of competition in the state.
This week’s
AR Raffle Winners are JP for reading
Squanto and Sammy for reading
Chicken said Cluck!. Congratulations readers! They each won tickets to Pump It Up.
We will follow the school Mass schedule (the typical Wednesday schedule) tomorrow to
All Saints Day. Wednesday, November 2
nd we will follow the typical Tuesday schedule. This is especially important for students’ resource classes.
Soccer Tryouts for the 2016 – 2017 Season:
Tryouts are open for boys and girls in grades 7 and 8. Students wishing to take part in a tryout need to complete the Athletic Participation form for the Catholic Grade School League (if not previously turned in for basketball or cheerleading). Forms are available in the school office. Shin guards and soccer cleats are recommended. Announcement of team selection will be displayed on the gym door on Wednesday, November 9th.
Volleyball Tryouts for the 2016 – 2017 Season:
Tryouts are open for girls in grades 5 – 8. Students wishing to take part in a tryout need to complete the Athletic Participation form for the Catholic Grade School League (if not previously turned in for basketball or cheerleading). Forms are available in the school office.
Math Olympiads is starting soon, you can sign up in Mrs. Giordano’s classroom.
Signups for the November Lunchroom Calendar are now open, please sign up when you can!