The first day of
Girls’ Volleyball Tryouts grades 5 – 8 is coming up soon.
Math Olympiads are beginning soon. You can sign up in Mrs. Giordano’s room.
Volunteers are needed for
November Lunchroom Duty.
This week following the morning announcements there will be a short, ten minute DVD presentation for students in grades 4 - 8. This DVD was shown last year at this same time and is entitled
Blood Borne Pathogens and Other Germs. This DVD is designed for young students and teaches them about everyday precautions that can help keep them healthy. This program is "non-gory" and simply states, in easy to understand terms, how to avoid the transmission of germs. It is a good reminder to students especially since we are presently in the cold and flu season. Also, in the next two weeks there will be a “Handwashing and Food Allergy” review by Nurse Jessica for grades PK – 3. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nurse Jessica at
[email protected] or the school office at 645-9875.