Week 2 of the
Holiday gift Card Contest starts Friday. Please submit your orders by Monday. See attached flyer in the email blast for details. All orders placed this week have been processed and will come home in Friday folders tomorrow. The orders WILL count towards the week 2 contest. Families, classes, and students will be credited accordingly.
Next Week is the
Scholastic Book Fair. Please see the attached family letter in the email blast for complete details on this exciting event.
A reminder that school lunches are switched Monday and Tuesday of next week. Monday will be a Chik-Fil-A lunch and Tuesday will be spaghetti lunch.
Save the date!
Holy Family Casino Night & Auction is Saturday, February 4
th from 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. See the attached flyer for complete details.
Click here to purchase your tickets online.
Volunteer Opportunities Before Christmas:
Volunteers who have completed the Protecting God’s Children class are needed to supervise classrooms on Monday, December 5th from approximately 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
The December Lunchroom Calendar still has some spots available and is in need of volunteers.
The Scholastic Book Fair is December 5th – December 9th, email Meghan Ludy at [email protected] to volunteer.
The Holy Family community is mourning the loss of young Kate Amato. Kate holds a special place in our hearts as our school children participated in a school wide activity to support her during her protracted battle with cancer. We ask that you pray for Kate’s family and discuss her passing with your children as you see fit. The school will offer up a prayer and moment of silence in Kate’s honor at our next assembly on Monday.