Congratulations to this week’s
AR Raffle Winners, they each won a Cold Stone Creamery gift certificate: Cole for reading
Who Would Win the Ultimate Ocean Rumble, Nadia for reading
Jeremy Bender vs. The Cupcake Cadets, and Alex for reading
There is an
Open PTO Meeting coming up soon. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend. Those in attendance receive one hour of volunteer credit.
Spring Picture Day is coming up soon. Please send your order forms with your student on the correct day. Students need to have these with them so that the photographer can set the background and pose that you would like. It is a non-uniform day. Students are reminded to adhere to the handbook policy on page 14. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Huskey at
[email protected].
The PTO is looking for volunteers to help on picture day. Please contact
[email protected] if you are interested.
Invitations for the
Father Daughter Dance went home in last week’s Friday Folders. Please RSVP by returning payment and the response card included in the invitation to the front office. The dance is coming up soon..
It is time to submit your
Volunteer Hours for the 2015 - 2016 school year. Please submit your forms to
[email protected].